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Why Use An Outside AV Provider?

AV Production Audio Visual AV Services Event Planner Tips May 30, 2018 Clarity Experiences 3 min read


Why Use an Outside Audio Visual Provider | Clarity Experiences

So you're new to the event industry or you're a seasoned event planner and you've heard of outside AV companies. The only problem is you are unsure of how an outside company will benefit you and if you can afford to use one.   The truth is, outside AV production companies are  often lower than the in-house provider and they bring a higher level production value.  There are inherent differences between the in-house and outside AV companies  that will affect your event, so here they are..

6 reasons you should consider using an outside AV provider:

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  1. Dedicated focus on your event – In-house AV companies support multiple clients in the same hotel splitting the in-house team’s attention.  When you use an outside company your AV team is focused solely on you and your event.  Giving you the dedicated attention your event deserves.
    Event Experiences | Clarity Experiences
  2. Higher level of production and event experience – In-house companies are comprised more junior team members with general AV knowledge; the hotel environment is typically the first job in the AV industry for many of these team members. Outside AV companies typically use  more experienced engineers with many years of experience who have a specialty skill. These specialized technicians are  well rounded in everything, but excel in a particular area of focus such as lighting, video, or audio.
    Key Engineers | Clarity Experiences
  3. Key engineers stay on site at the hotel, which creates a higher level of attention on your event – In-house technicians leave the hotel  property to go home every day after their shift.  The outside AV company's  engineers stay onsite and are only a call away. This also creates a higher level of attention around your event as they are focused on you.
    Event Technology | Clarity Experiences
  4. Outside companies start with your event in mind – In-house AV companies generally try to sell you a show design using the equipment they have at the hotel property, which is limited in its capability and typically 6-10 years old. Outside companies have no incentive to sell from a limited inventory, which allows them the creative freedom to design your event after your vision. They are more likely to seek out unique ways to tie in your brand and theme with the set design and make your show stand out.

    Event Travel | Clarity Experiences
  5. Outside AV Companies Travel With You - If you have multiple events  at different locations, it's a huge benefit to you to have the same AV team. Having the same team across multiple events helps create a consistent approach to your event and allows everyone to work well together.  By event 2-3 it's like seeing your old friends who know your style and expectations.
    Team Partner | Clarity Experiences
  6. Same Team Across Multiple Events - Every time you go to a new hotel you deal with a different team (sales, project manager, AV team, etc.). It's often like starting the entire process over each time.  Outside companies will assign the same sales person to all of your events, which allows you to more efficiently price and package events together saving you time and improving the consistency of each event.  . Partnering with an outside company across multiple events is a formula that encourages improvements and new ideas for future events.

These are just a few of the reasons to go with an outside AV provider for your events. We realize the change can be challenging at first, but we believe the end product is worth the challenge and it will make your job easier and more enjoyable in the long run!

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